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Breakthrough Search Relevance

Different users ask questions with different words to express the same idea. Focus on the idea, not the words. Improve search relevance and eliminate the need for synonym lists, stop words, spelling correction, stemming rules, and the constant gardening associated with keyword search.

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Neural2 Reranking

If you are using a service that offers a neural re-ranker today, odds are that you are just reranking keyword search results. Garbage in… garbage out. Vectara works differently. Using natural language processing like the zero-shot models pioneered by Vectara can deliver much higher recall for the questions your users ask. With cross-attentional neural reranking, Vectara applies additional AI models to increase precision too. This is Neural2, applying a neural-always multistage process to maximize both recall and precision and retrieve the best possible answers to the questions your users are asking.

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Snippet Extraction and Highlighting

Zero in on the exact phrase, sentence or paragraph your users are searching for. Highlight it inline or pull it up higher to answer questions at the top of any page or within any chat session. Help users see the best answers to their questions on mobile, chat clients, emails, webpages, and applications.

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AI that Obeys the Rules

AI search is the most impactful invention in the history of information retrieval for improved search efficacy. It understands meaning and context. However, sometimes rules still matter. Apps and websites are looking to modify results for custom business rules and particular actions to improve user experience or promote named goals. Dynamic filtering and cross-corpora searching allow you to define and control the exact results you want users to find.

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Related Content

Provide your users with visibility to other relevant topics alongside the best answers to the question they asked when they perform a search. Encourage and empower them to explore other relevant topics easily. Create a better user experience; help your users discover new ideas and content that is relevant to what they are viewing. Help them to feel heard and understood.

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Suggested Responses

Customers want the best answer, and they want it immediately. Empower your site, application or customer support team to respond with prompt, accurate responses to the tough questions, no matter how they are asked. With confidence intervals and precision-tuned reranking, Vectara quickly delivers the most accurate responses from across the breadth of your organizational data.

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Listen and respond like a friend.

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