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LLM-Powered Search For Better Outcomes

TBH (to be honest), when you engage with your users in their language and the way they want to ask questions, you get better outcomes. Your users use acronyms, make typos, and expect you to understand it all. The best customer experiences are when users are able to be themselves.

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Engage customers with mind-blowing relevance that keeps getting better

Vectara’s LLM-powered search platform delivers features like neural re-ranking to identify high quality answers to questions – the kind that can be placed with confidence at the top of a results page. The platform allows marketers to show snippets of long-form documents – blogs, pages, ebooks, whitepapers, etc. – that highlight the excerpt that the user is asking for. Whether in content discovery or community discussions, your users and customers find what they are looking for quickly.

Learn How Re-ranking Improves Relevance

Compete like the big sites

Larger companies are 2x as likely to have deployed AI to improve customer experience than smaller companies. Vectara levels the playing field, helping companies of any size to easily deploy the most advanced NLP available in market to better understand what users want and serve it quickly. Your users expect fast, intuitive search. With Vectara, any company of any size can deliver a brilliant customer experience.

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See the Marketing Use Case – Recommended Content

Conversica launches Revenue Digital Assistant™ solutions with remarkable search performance results including, 18 point increase in precision, 30 point increase in recall, and 25 point jump in F1 score.

Read the Success Story

“Vectara is bringing a much-needed change to the search industry. They’re doing this by building a semantic search engine that is capable of understanding words in context and returning content based on meaning. Vectara’s core technology is being built with machine learning, which means it will adapt over time and continuously improve results.”

Shane Fieldberg, Founder and General Partner

Field Ventures LLC

Vectara is a content discovery platform for the modern site.

Vectara enables any developer to quickly and easily deliver search that understands exactly what your users are asking for.

Getting Started Videos

Explore our video guide to getting started with Vectara’s LLM-powered search platform.


Virtual Event

Help your users find what they need. Learn how Vectara’s platform delivers breakthrough NLP in minutes to create a better user experience.


Engage and convert like a mind-reader.

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