
Question-answering: don't search, just ask

Effortlessly manage dynamic question and answer systems without the complexity, making information access and interaction smoother and more intuitive.


Answers, not hallucinations

You can trust the answers that come from Vectara, because they are grounded on the facts from the data you have provided.

We build and support models optimized for both semantic understanding and exact keyword matches, with summaries grounded in indexed data.

This reduces hallucinations during generation, provides a Factual Consistency Score for each answer, and allows real-time data updates.

Citations help you dive deeper

We provide advanced explainability

Vectara combats hallucinations with transparency through linked citations, allowing users to review summarized results directly without extra setup.

Citations are one of the best ways to show the power of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Superior cross-language support

Ask questions and receive answers across languages without losing accuracy

Use Vectara to enable users to search in one language across content written in other languages and get accurate, relevant results.

Vectara supports cross-language search, the ability to search in one language for content written in another language.

Use Cases

Automated customer service

Automate FAQs, service changes, billing inquiries, and issue resolution to streamline customer support.

Supply chain optimization

AI-driven recommendations improve efficiency and reduce delays across the supply chain.

Digital patient concierge

AI-powered tools locate, summarize, and generate responses for health plan inquiries with ease.

Digital clinician concierge

Summarizes patient data to help clinicians provide personalized, safe, and effective care.

SonoSim is excited to be partnering with Vectara to translate recent LLM AI advances into making ultrasound education and skills training more effective and accessible.

Eric Savitsky avatar
Eric Savitsky CEO of SonoSim
Success story


SonoSim revolutionizes ultrasound education. To manage their expanding content, they needed an advanced search interface to deliver precise, actionable results. See how Vectara made it possible!

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Vectara is the shortest path between question and answer, delivering true business value in the shortest time.

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